The story of Black Bottle dates back to 1879 when the three Graham brothers turned their hand from tea blending to Scotch blending. The whisky that they created was to be bottled in pitch black German glass, a rare thing in those days, and a decision that gave rise to the name of their whisky that is now enjoyed world-wide. Black Bottle has undergone a rebirth of late, inspired by a recipie and design that was developed from a bottle from the 1920's. The whisky itself is now richer, more full bodied and fruitier, with the hallmark whisps of smoke still present in the background. Black Bottle is what we consider to be a 'malt whisky' drinkers blend, offering a degree of complexity and depth not often found in blends.
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(int. +64 3 377 6824)
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834 Colombo Street
Christchurch, 8013
New Zealand
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